This month brings you another bumper crop of great reviews from the leading music magazines, quality dailies and online review sites. There’s no doubt about it: Naxos releases and distributes some of the best music and audiovisual albums!
‘It is a staggeringly complete performance; I consider it one of the best ever filmed.’
– Opera Now
‘A wonderfully convincing performance and a first-class production full of imaginative touches.’
– MusicWeb International
‘Powerful orchestra, thrilling voices, fiery direction.’
– Scherzo
‘It is hard to imagine a recording conveying The Passenger’s disparate modes more vividly than this one does.’
– Opera News
‘Life-affirming fun.’
– The Arts Desk
‘The skill and ensemble Kleger and Ivanov display here is awe-inspiring.’
– Fanfare
‘Giltburg’s relish of its tonic, virtuoso aplomb sets the pulse racing.’
– International Piano
‘Earthly, energetic playing.’
– BBC Music Magazine ★★★★
‘A brilliant musical portrait of Clementi.’
– Pizzicato ★★★★
‘Gingher and Wang play it wonderfully: exciting and brilliant with moments of true beauty.’
– American Record Guide
‘A gem to treasure.’
– Musicalifeiten
‘The new Naxos recording deserves first place, and not merely by default. Its excellence is apparent from the outset with Gabriel Chmura’s blistering performance of the Overture.’
– Fanfare
‘Winpenny gives a truly spectacular performance… It sounds fabulous.’
– American Record Guide
‘The musical storytelling is exemplary, and the impact—aided by universally fine singing and vivid characterizations—is potent.’
– Opera News
‘First world war opera captures hearts and minds’
– Limelight ★★★★★
‘This is really an essential disc… an important and wonderful release. Marvellous stuff.’
‘Revueltas unleashed, and joined by a Copland curiosity, on this essential Naxos disc.’
– MusicWeb International
‘Magnificent playing by both instrumentalists in some wonderful repertoire.’
– MusicWeb International
‘The performances are exemplary, and the CDs continue to broaden and deepen listeners’ exposure to elements of Sousa’s music that deserve to be heard far more often than they are.’
– ★★★★
‘With Keith Brion at the helm, the music is as exciting and entertaining as one would wish for.’
– Classical Music Daily
‘Exhilarating from start to finish.’
– Classical Music Daily
‘This is a terrific introduction to an unfamiliar corner of the chamber repertoire.’
– BBC Music Magazine ★★★★

‘There isn’t a dud performance in sight! A Vaughan Williams Anthology, released to celebrate 150 years since the musician’s birth, is a masterpiece.’
– Daily Mail ★★★★
‘[This] interpretation is decidedly delightful and, with the individual arrangements, also opens up new perspectives of this French solo and choral repertoire.’
– Chorzeit – das Vokalmagazin ★★★★★
‘It’s great fun, tuneful and rhythmically vivacious.’
– The WholeNote
‘The Lapland Chamber Orchestra executes Schnee with an astounding beauty’
– Stereophile ★★★★★
‘Cristina Fanelli conveys the drama beautifully through subtle changes of vocal timbre and style…’
– American Record Guide
‘Doerner and d’Oustrac give outstanding performances of an imaginative program—who could ask for more?’
– MusicWeb International
‘Nicolas Horvath’s interpretation is impeccable in its clarity and brilliance.’
– Classica ★★★★★
‘I enjoyed this so much. Here jazz and classical inspiration meets with simple heartfelt melody.’
– Lark Reviews
‘Kanabas shows what a fine artist he is from one selection to the next.’
– American Record Guide
‘I have nothing but praise for the Swedish pianist Peter Jablonski’s performances here.’
– MusicWeb International
‘Brilliant playing of music that belongs firmly in the concert repertoire.’
– Limelight ★★★★★
‘Concise, easily grasped, and, in Jablonski’s fine readings, often witty.’
– ★★★★★
‘Precious moments, when Rudolf Serkin’s authority in the music of Beethoven could not be denied.’
– Audiophile Audition ★★★★★
‘It’s difficult to imagine these works being sung much better than this, and the sound is truly phenomenal, at once intimate and vibrant.’
– Gramophone
‘The performances by the Cuarteto Latinoamericano are full-blooded and altogether superb’
‘Handled with perfect delicacy.’
‘Highly virtuosic and emotionally committed performers… This is a superb production all around.’
– Fanfare
‘Highly rewarding for both the staging and the musical accomplishments – it should be at the very top of one’s shopping list.’
– MusicWeb International
‘Captivating, glorious performance.’
– BBC Music Magazine
‘What great happiness it is to hear these two unique musicians make music together and that, too, together with a first-class orchestra like the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.’
– Pizzicato ★★★★★
‘Haunting adult fairy tale receives a multifaceted and powerfully moving production.’
– Limelight
‘A stellar performance.’
– Opera News
‘A respectful and seriously intelligent piece of work.’
– Limelight ★★★★★