Established by the owner of Vox in the 1980s, around the advent of the CD era, Allegretto was intended to create compilations derived from the Vox catalogue’s extensive archives, themed for a more contemporary generation than its sister labels’ focus on repertoire and collectors. Eschewing its history of comprehensive liner notes and artistic approach to cover art, Allegretto took a more populist approach to its themes, packaging and design.

Album Title Catalogue No.
BACH, J.S.: 2 and 3 Part Inventions and Sinfonias, BWV 772-801 (Galling) ACD-8028
BACH, J.S.: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1, 3 and 4 (Mainz Chamber Orchestra, Kehr) ACD-8046
BACH, J.S.: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 2, 5 and 6 (Mainz Chamber Orchestra, Kehr) ACD-8047
BACH, J.S.: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue / Italian Concerto / Toccata in C Minor / 6 Little Preludes (Elsner) ACD-8007
BACH, J.S.: Organ Music - BWV 565, 571, 575, 590, 645, 646, 695, 711, 715, 727 (Kraft) ACD-8019
BACH, J.S.: Overture (Suite) No. 2, BWV 1067 / TELEMANN, G.P.: Overture (Suite), TWV 55:a2 (J. Baker, A. Newman, Madeira Bach Festival Orchestra) ACD-8194
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Chamber and Orchestral Music (Beethoven Blockbusters) (Brendel, Rosand, Schuster, Lautenbacher, Reichert, Remoortel) ACD-8716
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Piano Concerto No. 5, "Emperor" (Novaes, Bamberg Symphony, Perlea) ACD-8026
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Piano Sonatas Nos. 17, "Tempest", 21, "Waldstein" and 26, "Les adieux" (Novaes) ACD-8152
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Piano Sonatas Nos. 8, "Pathétique", 14, "Moonlight" and 23, "Appassionata" (J. Rose) ACD-8163
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Violin Concerto, Op. 61 / Romances Nos. 1 and 2 (Lautenbacher, Westphalian Symphony, Reichert) ACD-8014
BERLIOZ, H.: Symphonie Fantastique (Bamberg Symphony, Perlea) ACD-8012
BESARD, J.-B.: Allegro marcato / PIERNÉ, G.: Impromptu-caprice / SAINT-SAËNS, C.: Romance, Op. 36 (Music for a Lazy Afternoon) ACD-8713
BORODIN, A.P.: Symphony No. 2 / IPPOLITOV-IVANOV, M.M.: Caucasian Sketches / GLIÈRE, R.: The Red Poppy (Russian Favorites) (Landau, Maga) ACD-8161
BRAHMS, J.: Violin Concerto, Op. 77 (Lautenbacher, Innsbruck Symphony, R. Wagner) ACD-8142
Brass Music (Renaissance) - SCHEIDT, S. / WEELKES, T. / SIMMES, W. / FERRABOSCO II, A. / HOLBORNE, A. / GIBBONS, O. / GABRIELI, A. (Hollard) ACD-8154
BRUCKNER, A.: Symphony No. 4, "Romantic" (1881 version, ed. R. Haas) (Bamberg Symphony, Hollreiser) ACD-8147
CALDARA, A.: Vaticini di Pace / SCARLATTI, A.: Cantata Pastorale per la Nativita (Ewerhart, Kehr) ACD-8402
CHOPIN, F.: Ballades Nos. 1-4 / Fantasy in F Minor (P. Frankl) ACD-8151
CHOPIN, F.: Polonaises Nos. 1-4, 6, 8-10 (Johannesen) ACD-8043
CHOPIN, F.: Preludes (Klien) ACD-8065
CHOPIN, F.: Waltzes (Haebler) ACD-8027
Choral Music (Christmas) - HANDEL, G.F. / VIVALDI, A. / BACH, J.S. (Christmas with Robert Shaw) (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus, Shaw) ACD-8409
DEBUSSY, C.: Mer (La) / Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune / Arabesque No. 2 / Clair de lune (Frankl, Froment, Reinhardt, Remoortel) ACD-8041
DEBUSSY, C.: Nocturnes / Chansons de Bilitis / Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune / Jeux (Escribano, Luxembourg Radio Orchestra, Froment) ACD-8159