In an advertisement for Proprius some years ago, the label’s founder Jacob Boëthius wrote: “A small record company can’t afford to put out bad discs. And you, the music lover, must be confident that what you buy is good”. He was aware that, in the final analysis, quality is what counts with regard to clients, record buyers, artists and sound engineers.

Being considered an “audiophile label”, quality in every aspect has been the hallmark of Proprius for over 30 years, and so it will continue.

Album Title Catalogue No.
ABEL / STAMITZ: Flute Quartets / ANONYMOUS: Freemason Songs PRCD9081
ÅHLÉNS, W.: Organ Music (Åhléns) PROP7753
AHNFELT, O.: Guds barn jag ar / BENEKEN, F.B.: Kristus och bruden / LINDSTROM, A.: Jag kan icke rakna (Andeliga Sanger) PRCD9099
ANDETAG - Contemporary Romantic Music for Choir and Instruments PRCD9026
ÄNGEBORN, Lasse: Till en vän - Någonstans PROP7769
ARCHIPELAGO -The Mid 18th Century Organ of Uto PRCD9128
ARGENTO: From the Diary of Virginia Woolf / WERLE: Chants for Dark Hours PRCD9982
ARNE DOMNÉRUS SEXTETT: Strimme av tröst (En) PROP7870
BACH, J.S.: Chaconne, BWV 1004 / Lute Suites, BWV 996-997 PRSACD2041
BACH, J.S.: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 (Ericson) PRCD2012-13
BACH, J.S.: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (Nordenfelt) PRCD9999
BACH, J.S.: Guitar Music (Georg Gulyas plays Bach, Vol. 2) (Gulyas) PRSACD2062
BACH, J.S.: Kunst der Fuge (Die) (Forsblom) PROP7734-35
BACH, J.S.: Mass in B Minor (Ericson) PRCD2014-15
BACH, J.S.: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 (Eby) PRCD9070-71
BACH, J.S.: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 (excerpts) / PURCELL, H.: Anthems (Sing unto the Lord) (Stockholm Chamber Choir, Jonsson) PRCD9062
BACH, J.S.: Motets (St. Jacob's Chamber Choir, REbaroque, Graden) PRCD2066
BACH, J.S.: Organ Music (Forsblom) PRCD9962
BACH, J.S.: Organ Music (Jacobson) PROP7773-75
BACH, J.S.: Organ Music (Linder) PROP7780
BACH, J.S.: Organ Music, Vol. 2 (Forsblom) PROP7719
BACH, J.S.: St. John Passion (Högman, Groop, Crook, The Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Drottningholm Baroque Ensemble, Ericson) PRCD2016-17
BACH, J.S.: St. John Passion (St. Jacob's Chamber Choir, Rebaroque, Graden) PRCD2065