It was thanks to composer Hugo Alfvén that Sweden got its very first recording label devoted purely to classical music. The bond of friendship that existed between him and the recording enthusiast Hans Peter Kempe proved one of the most important in the history of Sweden’s recording industry. The Midsummer Vigil LP, which was the label’s very first release, raised Alfvén’s profile to an international level.

In 1958 Kempe was contacted by Claude Génetay, a member of the Stockholm Radio Orchestra. He had researched and written out the parts to a long dormant work by “the father of Swedish Music”, Johan Helmich Roman: The Drottningholm Music. Génetay suggested that Kempe record the work. Even in the 1950s Roman’s music was almost unknown, but this new recording, made appropriately in the Drottningholm Court Theatre, found immediate popularity among a large audience.

Today, Swedish Society Discofil is still an important player in the recording of Swedish music and artists. Being considered an audiophile label, it shares its recording philosophy with sister-labels Proprius and Prophone.

Album Title Catalogue No.
AGRELL, J.J.: Orchestral Works (Drottningholm Baroque Ensemble) SCD1189
ALFVEN, H.: Bergakungen (The Mountain King), Op. 37 (Rybrant) SCD1106
ALFVÉN, H.: Christmas Songs (Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble, Westberg) SCD1187S1
ALFVÉN, H.: Festspel / Midsommarvaka / Svensk rapsodi No. 3 (Westerberg, Alfvén) SLT33145
ALFVEN, H.: Gustav II Adolf (Swedish Radio Symphony, Westerberg) (1967) SLT33173
ALFVEN, H.: Midsummer Vigil / Den forlorade sonen / Bergakungen / Festspel (Alfven, Westerberg) (1954-1957) SCD1003
ALFVÉN, H.: Mixed Choir a cappella Works (Papillon) (Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble, Westberg) SCD1187
ALFVÉN, H.: Skärgårdssägen (En) / Symphony No. 5 (Swedish Radio Symphony, Westerberg) SLT33174
ALFVEN, H.: Symphony No. 1 / Gustav II Adolf (The Alfven Edition, Vol. 1) (Westerberg) SCD1101
ALFVEN, H.: Symphony No. 2 / Uppsala Rhapsody (Rybrant, Segerstam) SCD1102
ALFVEN, H.: Symphony No. 3 / Dalacarlian Rhapsody (Grevillius, Westerberg) SCD1103
ALFVÉN, H.: Symphony No. 4, "Från havsbandet" (Malmborg, Vikström, Stockholm Philharmonic, Grevillius) SLT33186
ANDREE: 2 Organ Symphonies / Chorale with variations / Symphonic Poem SCD1085
ATTERBERG, K.: String Quartet No. 2 / HAYDN, J.: String Quartet No. 62, "Emperor" (Saulesco Quartet) (1973) SLT33220
ATTERBERG, K.: Suite No. 5, "Suite barocco" / Suite No. 8, "Suite pastorale in modo antico" / String Quartet No. 2 (Swedish Radio Symphony, Atterberg) SCD1021
BABS, Alice: Alice Babs serenading Duke Ellington SLT33233
BABS, Alice: Alice in Israel SLT33210
BABS, Alice: Somebody Cares SLT33255
BACH, J.S.: Cantatas - BWV 106, "Actus tragicus", 140, 243 (Hallin, Rodin, Adolf Fredrik Bach Choir, Öhrwall) SCD1065
BACH, J.S.: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 (Ohrwall) SCD1092-93
BACH, J.S.: Partita No. 3 / 6 Little Preludes / Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor / Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor (Svanberg) SCD1077
BACH, J.S.: Selections by the Adolf Fredik Bach Choir SCD1091
BÄCK, S.-E.: Fågeln [Opera] (Sivall, Garellick, Näslund, Stockholm Chamber Choir, Norrköping Symphony, Bäck) SLT33195
BÄCK, S.-E.: Tranfjädrarna [Opera] (Ebrelius, Hallin, Sivall, Norrkoping Symphony, Bäck) (1968) SLT33183